Cami is sent to a secluded religious center by her father, who mistakes her condition for sex addiction. Unbeknownst to them, a murderer targets the facility's occupants.
- 1.0 惡業2024
2024 恐怖簡介:與丈夫離婚后,Alice必須承擔起單親母親的全部責任,照顧她全心全意愛著的兒子August,一個好奇的小男孩。他從小就對A、他的父親和他自己的故事充滿疑問。就連他的母親也從未談起過他的父親,August15歲那年,神秘的故事開始一點一點地跟隨他。他父親生前的囑托成為August從諾拉舞的秘密中發現恐怖的原因。在試圖讓他認識到自己的業力同時,Alice相信理性和正義。Alice竭盡全力拯救她所愛的兒子。但她越是反抗并帶領August遠離現實,詭異和奇怪的事件不斷升級,直到August陷入危險。決定返回尋找過去的真相。August生命危在旦夕,當Lambam家的門打開時,里面的木樁從過去一直建到了現在,與她一起打開的是Lambam家的老管理員Cherd叔叔,他知道整個故事。業力和所欠的誓言已經開始要求償還
2014 恐怖簡介:The first feminist vegan horror film, The Herd has been rejected by some film festivals for being too horrific or political. A number of kidnapped women are kept imprisoned in a squalid medical facility condemned to a life of enforced servitude at the whims of their captors, without any hope of rescue or escape.
- 3.0 直播鬼戲院
- 5.0 譫妄1987
- 4.0 鯊齒險灘