




已完結 / / 愛情片 /中國大陸 / 2012


張磬(方中信 飾)和方韻(汪裴 飾)是一對常見兩地分居的夫婦,雖然事業小有成就,生活優渥,但是二人始終膝下無子,此事不僅令張磬的父母分外焦急,也令這對喜歡孩子的夫妻憂心忡忡。在好友的建議下,他們決定請人代孕生子。經過幾次見面,他們最終選擇了美麗清秀的女孩李妍(秦嵐 飾)。李妍獨自來京闖蕩,在物欲橫流的社會里依舊保持著本性的善良。在張磬夫婦細心呵護下,李妍肚子里的孩子一天天長大。在此期間,身為記者的方韻在地震災區收養了一名少數民族孤兒。  兩個小生命的命運發生著改變,張磬、方韻、李妍三人的內心情感也在悄悄變化……


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    簡介:  Marie Richardson leads the star ensemble in a heart-warming homage to all mothers, reminding us that it’s never too late for a fresh start in life.  All the old friends are invited to Karin (Richardson) and Sten’s (Bj?rn Kjellman) celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary. But after a dirty text message and some failed acrobatic stunts on the balcony, the idyll has both cracked and ended up in the emergency room. Karin is forced to straighten out her back and realizes that she has spent her life taking care of her family without getting as much as a thank you. Together with her friends from the swimming pool, she finds new vitality at a weekly cooking class, where Peter Stormare’s star chef opens up for exciting new taste sensations. Tuesday Club is a well-acted and inspiring paean to struggling women, mature passion, and Asian cuisine.
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  • 天臺的月光 1.0 天臺的月光
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    簡介:葉曉彤(葉玉卿 飾)是一名收銀員,她的丈夫阿波拋棄了她離家出走,天真單純的葉曉彤又誤入騙局,正在孤立無援之際, 是住在同一棟大樓的警察劉正文(梁家輝 飾)向她伸出了援手。在劉正文的幫助下,葉曉彤得到了一份汽車推銷員的工作,然而葉曉彤對汽車一無所知,于是劉正文從零開始一點一滴的教導她,在此過程中,兩人之間碰撞出了愛情的火花。
  • 夾縫中活著,小春 2.0 夾縫中活著,小春
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    簡介:  Haru, a struggling magazine editor, meets the painter Toru during research for one of her articles. Toru is autistic and straightforward in expressing his thoughts. Haru is drawn to his honesty, and a deep emotional bond forms between the two despite their different personalities. Director Rika KATSU sensitively portrays their unusual relationship.  源自:https://db.nipponconnection.com/en/event/1367/spring-in-between
  • 彩云飛 1.0 彩云飛
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    簡介:  云樓(鄧光榮 飾)是從臺灣遠赴香港念書的青年,借住在父親的老同學楊伯伯家中。楊伯伯有一個女兒名叫涵妮(甄珍 飾),落落大方溫文爾雅的她很快就吸引了云樓的注意,兩人墜入了愛河。遺憾的是,涵妮擁有先天性心臟病,隨時都有可能發病身亡,這讓云樓的內心里始終都有一絲不安。  云樓的父親向兒子謊稱妻子病危,將云樓從香港召回臺灣,不知其中隱情的涵妮誤以為云樓想要拋棄她,一怒之下心臟病發作撒手人寰。失去了摯愛回到臺灣的云樓開始自暴自棄,整日過著行尸走肉般的生活。一天,在超市里,云樓撞見了一名和涵妮有著一模一樣樣貌的女子。
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    簡介:Follows a young man very passionate about music. He has to come to terms with an uncertain future while balances his loving life, family and Brazilian culture in New Jersey.


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